Automatic softeners
for low and middle flow rates
Automatic softener Nobel mod AS/C DUPLEX complete with nos. 2 fiberglass vessels, automatic control valves, electronic programmer with pulse-counter, pulse sender water meter, food grade ion exchange resins, brine tank with float valves and separation plate, motorized 3 way valve.
The described softener is automatic, dual system, alternating working (1 column always in service, one column on regeneration or stand-by), via volume control.
The start of the regeneration of the exhausted column and the exchange of working between the columns works automatically, according to the pre-set volume of treated water.
The automatic facility includes an electronic programmer with pulse-counter that handles the working of the control valves and motorized 3 way valves, according to the pulses received by a water meter.
The electronic programmer is equipped with buffer battery to save up the stored data even in case of power failure.
The electric part works at low tension (15Vdc) supplied by a transformer built-in the electrical plug.
The brine injection is made by mean of injectors.
The unit is fully automatic and the regeneration can be adjusted also according to the following modes (always with output line closed during regeneration):
- Automatic delayed volume (by supplied volume, but at a pre-set time of day)
- Automatic time schedule (numbers of days of service, 0÷28 days)
- Manual (push-button) start (button available on the programmer)
- Manual start from remote (contact on the terminal board inside of programmer)
The terminal board placed inside of the programmer also allows:
- Inhibiting the regeneration from remote
- Reporting to remote a free voltage contact of starting of regeneration
- Start working of the chlorine producer CLCTV if installed
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20054 Segrate (Milano)
Via Galileo Galilei, 5
Phone +39 02 2827968 r.a.