Suitable for dosage of all Nobel chemicals.
Dosing pumps, pulse water meters, storage tanks, level swicthes, sensors.
Dosing pump with adjustable constant flow (serie AKL), proportional (serie TPZ), time controlled (serie TCK), or controlled by a redox or pH probe (serie TPR).
Flow up to 50 l/h and over. Complete of all accessories (fittings and tubings for suction and forcing, bottom filter)
Pulse sender water meters, dry dial, for proportional control of dosing pumps TPZ.
Thread connections from ½” up to 2” (serie CD4), flanged from DN065 up to DN200 (serie CW).
Storage tank for chemicals from 50 up to 1000 liters (serie SL), arranged to hold the dosing pumps and the level switch.
Redox and pH probes to control pumps serie TPR, complete with probe-holder.
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20054 Segrate (Milano)
Via Galileo Galilei, 5
Phone +39 02 2827968 r.a.